LTC – Assumptions & Consequences

Over the past few weeks, there has been an incredible amount of commentary focused on the use of averages with respect to retirement income planning.  If you haven’t been paying attention to what “financial guru” Dave Ramsey thinks about the 4% withdrawal rate, you might want to take a look.   One thing for certain, … Continue reading LTC – Assumptions & Consequences

Long Term Care Awareness

November is LTC Awareness Month. Frankly, I think that when we dedicate days or months to specific causes we don't really improve the awareness. It may actually be a buzz-kill since there are so many cause focused months. Instead, as financial professionals, we should be including long term care awareness into every client conversation that … Continue reading Long Term Care Awareness

SECURE Act – Inherited IRA

This past week, we offered up another Care Solutions University. One part of the discussion was the Asset Care opportunity that the SECURE Act presents for clients inheriting IRAs. As you will recall, the SECURE Act put in place a requirement to withdraw the full balance within 10 years from inherited non-spousal IRAs. And, ONLY … Continue reading SECURE Act – Inherited IRA

Something to Consider – Averages are Dangerous

Last week, I shared with you the extended care experience of my immediate family. If you recall, the actual duration for care for both of my grandfathers surpassed the industry average by almost 5 years.  And, the average duration of care for my grandmothers and aunts (excluding memory care) was about 9 years.  I am … Continue reading Something to Consider – Averages are Dangerous