Q&A – Qualified Money Funding – 457

Question: Can a 457 plan be used in conjunction with Asset Care funding with qualified money? Answer:  There are two types of 457 arrangements.  One is a governmental 457(b) which can be rolled over to an IRA.  So, we would suggest that the governmental 457(b) be rolled over to an IRA, or merely take the distributions … Continue reading Q&A – Qualified Money Funding – 457

Q&A – Alternatives to Phone Interview

Question: I have experienced issues with the whole "ticket" process where I submit an application (Part I) and your vendor completes the remainder of the process.  Is there a way to iron out the problems and get business moving? Answer: Yes, there is a "work around" to this issue.  But first, I want to apologize … Continue reading Q&A – Alternatives to Phone Interview

Q&A – Exam Requirements from Another

Question: Will OneAmerica accept requirements done for another carrier? Answer: Yes - medical examinations and exams done for another carrier will be accepted provided that they fall within OneAmerica's time parameters.  If a producer is requesting to use requirements from another carrier, Section G - Medical Information must be completed on the application and ALL … Continue reading Q&A – Exam Requirements from Another

It’s Long Term Care for a Reason

The fastest way to impoverishment or to destroying a retirement income strategy or to impact multiple generations physically, emotionally, and financially is not an extended healthcare event. It is not adequately planning for such an event. According to retirementliving.com, the cost of memory care in 2019 is: Average memory care unit     $5,745 per month Highest … Continue reading It’s Long Term Care for a Reason

Q&A – Annuity Training

Question:  What products require annuity training? Answer: A good chunk of the Care Solutions portfolio is comprised of annuity based solutions.  The following products require annuity training: Asset Care Annuity Funding Whole Life Annuity Care Annuity Care II Indexed Annuity Care Legacy Care ImmediateCare SPIA To complete the required training, go to http://www.oneamerica.com/slproducttraining