What we do – PAY CLAIMS

Today, I am going to talk about what we do.  It is pay claims!

It is what OneAmerica as a company has done for over 140 years and something that Care Solutions asset-based long term care has provided for 35 years. 

When you look around ths asset-based LTC arena, you will be able to find only one other carrier with a similar commitment to claims paying.  All the other carriers are just starting.

Promises have been made and they have been kept.

Remember this – there are two LTC benefit payment structures – indemnity and reimbursement.  The latest trend in the industry has been selling a policy that provides indemnity benefits.  That is great under certain circumstances, but not so favorable under others.  As I shared a short time ago, in my post – a little bit of honesty would go a long way.

In the absence of that, here is a piece that I think might help you compare them by focusing on the claim.  It is what is called the LTC Basics – indemnity & reimbursement piece.

I’m not here to bash the indemnity approach – I am just saying that it is not the “do all – end all” solution.  And, there are some weaknesses to the payment methodology that are not completely disclosed.  Again, you can read about that in my a little bit of honesty would go a long way post.

Earlier this week, Brandon Thacker and I hosted a regional meeting in New Haven, CT and a claims question was asked.  Simply, “do you have data on your claims?”

Absolutely, we have data.  But first, I want to share this. OneAmerica services their own claims from the home office in Indianapolis, IN.  Third party vendors do not servicing Asset Care or Annuity Care claims.

Without further delay – here is the OneAmerica Care Solutions consumer approved 2024 Claims experience overview.

If you have any questions about OneAmerica Care Solutions claims or any other Care Solutions issues, please contact my internal Justin Fox