Marketing Resources for You

At OneAmerica, we have some great consumer approved pieces that
you should be using with every LTC conversation.  These are:

by Step Guide to Receiving Long Term Care
(consumer approved)

Planning Worksheet
(consumer approved)

Both help move the focus on long term care planning to
action items and a purely conceptual conversation that often leads to
inaction.  Check them out.

My challenge to you is this – ask yourself to review your
extended care / long term care plan and complete the worksheet.  I’m willing to bet that more than half of the
recipients of this week’s Fridays with Fisher readers will be shocked to
realize how incomplete their personal plan is.

Go on – validate your long term care plan.  It’s free and easy to do.

On another note, you have available to you at no charge
another great resource – the OneAmerica Marketing
Store (OAMS).
 The cloud-based repository of marketing
materials can be accessed any time, any place.  OAMS makes
it easy to find, personalize, store, distribute and measure your marketing
communications—in one location.

OAMS offers a variety of content types, including direct mail,
email, brochures, sales ideas, banner stands, presentations, workbooks, postcards,
social media posts, and lot more.

Many people say that marketing doesn’t make a sale.  I
don’t complete disagree with that statement, what marketing does is does is build
your brand, educate and inform. And, when done well, “grease the skid” for
your consumer conversations.

Here are a few more things that you should know about OAMS

  • It’s Free!
    Using the OneAmerica
    Marketing Store
    is available at no charge to select users. All
    digital items and many of the printed materials are free.
  • It’s Easy.
    Simply log-in and immediately access the various features and material, on
    day one.
  • It’s Fast.
    Consumer content is state pre-approved. Check the file descriptions for
    which states apply.
  • Brand it to
    You.  Many collateral items can be personalized in seconds, with your
    information, head shot and/or logo.
  • Market More
    Efficiently. Through the email and mail merge components, you communicate
    to many with the ease of a single campaign. Who receives it, and when, is
    completely up to you.
  • Target Your
    Communications. The robust Contact Management feature allows you to
    segment your lists and highly target who receives your message―digitally
    via email or physically via direct mail.
  • Results Matter.
    provides key email metrics so you can see how your campaigns are
    performing. You’ll know key indicators like sends, views, and clicks.

Want more information about this or other ideas? Contact Justin
Fox and he will get the ball rolling.