2024 – A Tune Up to OneAmerica

Earlier this week, OneAmerica announced a few changes. I am going to assume that you have not heard about them. Before anyone gets overly excited, I will crush the hope of a product revision. That is not the case. 

The OneAmerica brand is getting a facelift in order to better disclose what the company does. Simply, the new brand will be OneAmerica Financial which includes a revised logo.

Another change that took place was to OneAmerica.com . Included in this is a new look to the asset based LTC section of the website. There are two distinct pages – one for consumers and the other for advisors. If you haven’t taken time to look around, please do. 

On the new OneAmerica.com home page, along the top, you will find the menu bar. There are four options that are pretty self explanatory. A consumer would select “for Individuals” then from the menu that appears choose “Long Term Care Protection”. Similarly, you will select “For Financial Professionals” followed by “Asset-Based Long-Term Care”.

As a financial professional, you will required to acknowledge that before proceeding to the updated Asset-Based Long-Term Care pages. Scroll below the image and you will be able to select a product family (Asset Care or Annuity Care) for some basic information and collateral for the product. The marketing collateral is just a small sample of product specific material.

In order to view the collateral. you will need to scroll about 2/3 of the way down the page the select either Consumer Materials or Financial Professional Materials.

Want more information about this or other ideas? Contact either Justin Fox, my internal, or me directly. You will find our contact information below.

SECURE Act opportunities

In the January episode of Coffee Break, we shared with you two NEW consumer pieces to help with the planning conversation. If you have not viewed it, please take a minute to see this week’s episode. If you would like either piece, contact your internal sales partner Justin Fox.

Jumpstart your year with the Million Dollar Annuity Strategy.

My “big ask” of you for the million dollar annuity strategy is to identify 3 or 4 annuity owners 75 or older who might be viable candidates for our leverage strategy then give us a call.

It is easy to do … review your book of business and identify your clients who are over 75 and own annuities that are on the sideline and have been earmarked for an emergency. This is a big thing that can make a difference in preserving assets, control, dignity, and a legacy when an extended care event occurs.

This is what the million dollar annuity strategy is all about.  The transformation of tax-deferred money into tax-free distributions for long term care. Learn more about it at   https://fridayswithfisher.com/million-dollar-annuity/.